Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The New Dinosaur's Friend

One hot sunny day, in the middle of Pangea, a stegosaurus was about to have a baby. When she had the baby the mother stegosaurus named him Stego. One day, mother stegosaurus went out to get food. Stego was all alone, but he found a little T-Rex named TR and they became friends. When mother stegosaurus heard, she said:” you can’t be friends with TR”. Stego was mad. He asked,” Why can’t I be friends with him?” “Because he is going to eat every baby dinosaur, including you,” said she. But he ignored her and walked away. One day TR snuck into his house and tried to eat him but the T-Rex mom saw him and he got in trouble. She told him: “You can’t eat your friends” so he got grounded for a week and he could not leave the house. A week later he could leave the house. TR went to Stego and said he was sorry he tried to eat him. They are best friends now.

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